the innate sense of purpose and direction in my life is this: to love others and help them become whomever it is they are to become. to nurture and inspire the loving creative nature of people-whomever i encounter-so that they, in turn, might some day do the same for others, regardless of their chosen profession or path in life.
eventually i want to make a career out of offering art experiences, crafty adventures, creative fellowship, and the like to those who are lacking such outlets in their lives.

Monday, August 9, 2010

the creative process:

I am human; I am creative because I am human.
Brain more capable, mind more versatile, spirit more resilient than could ever accurately be given credit for…

Every time I must choose, decide, pick one over the other, I use my creative abilities.
Every time I adjust, modify, adapt, evolve, I tap into the deep well of my creative power.
Every time I speak, form a thought, communicate, gesture, I embody the creativity that lives in every fiber of my being.

I am human; I am creative because I am human.

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