what is it about darkness--the absence of light, uncertainty... not knowing that makes one feel fear, sadness, loneliness? psychologically speaking, it has been found that humans NEED light, sunshine, in order to thrive. we need the dark to clue us in when it's time for rest and we need the light to force our eyes open, create vitamins in our bodies, and spur our brains and bodies into action. the darkness serves a purpose, but it's not often comfortable... at least not for me.
i'm grappling with the dark as of late. you could say that i've always had a slight fear of the dark, both figuratively and literally. i find myself without light or direction and my good ol' pal fear finds its perch on my shoulder and gives all sorts of dark twists and turns to my already vivid imagination. eventually, by some strength that seems to always burn deep inside, i manage to pull myself up by the proverbial bootstraps and emerge from my cave, wiser for the ware, but i know that the dark isn't gone forever... it seems to me that, like that bit of strength and light that burns bright and steadfast deep inside of me, so too does a small flame of darkness, sadness, weakness. i don't understand it's purpose as clearly as i do the bit of strength and light, but i'm certain that it has one... maybe it exists solely for me to visit until i am able to figure out why it is there... and only then will it take its leave.