if trees could feel, or if i could imbibe the feelings of trees during the dark and frozen winter months, i imagine that they would feel a lot like i feel when the world is so dark and rigid and cold... oppressed by the shrinking of spirits as our corner of the earth turns away from the gentle warm rays of the sun; saddened, groggy, fatigued, and chilled to the core.
my creative energy seems to be the first to go as nature shrinks into itself and goes into hibernation all around me. my motivation drains away and i desire to join the trees and plants and animals in their extended slumber; hidden from the ice and biting winds to sleep away the winter months.
i take long naps and dream of warmth; a sunny spring day, bright flowers, green grass and trees, hot summer sand between my toes as i stroll down the beach, warm sun-kissed skin after a day in the sun...
for a moment, i feel normal again. carefree, joyful, ...alive.
- sukey
- the innate sense of purpose and direction in my life is this: to love others and help them become whomever it is they are to become. to nurture and inspire the loving creative nature of people-whomever i encounter-so that they, in turn, might some day do the same for others, regardless of their chosen profession or path in life.
eventually i want to make a career out of offering art experiences, crafty adventures, creative fellowship, and the like to those who are lacking such outlets in their lives.